Saturday, July 11, 2009

FREE Swing Set/Play Yard

Here is a great opportunity for my FB and Blog friends who have (or are soon to have) small kids. Our kids have outgrown their swing set and Lisa and I want to convert the "play area" to something else. The wood is in great shape but it probably could use a coat of paint. I made this out of 2 x 4's, 4 x 4's and 4 x 8's so it is plenty strong. Here is the catch... if you want it, you need to make arrangements to haul it. The swing part will disconnect from the main tower via 4 bolts. The tower is nailed together so you will proabably want to carry it out as one piece. The problem is that the tower is too big to fit through my gate so we need to lift it over the fence. If you want it, you will need a pickup truck and 3 strong peeps to help lift. When I bought this, it cost me about $800 for the plastic parts and the wood. It took me the better part of a day to build it. You can have it for free if you can haul it. Contact me if you are interested or if you just want to come by to have a look.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

is this still available i am located in ky and i am willing to travel but not sure where you are what state thank you